lowercase magnetic letters

Using magnetic letters is great because even before the children start sorting, magnetic letters are teaching. To begin with, just the act of playing with and holding the magnetic letters helps teach a child. The letters will look different, whether by size, shape, color, or another defining characteristic.

On top of that, the letters will feel different in her hands. The letter ‘x’ isn’t going to feel exactly the same as the letter ‘a’. While your kid may not start out knowing what the letters are, their senses will be cataloging what they see and feel.

A child has natural curiosity, and that innate sense of curiosity will eventually come into play. They’ll want to know what these things are that their playing with, so they’ll ask questions. This will make learning alphabet recognition a lot more easier.

First they will make connections, sometimes with an adult’s help of course. For instance, they might point out that one of the magnetic letters looks like a letter they saw in their name. They might notice that one of the letters is one the stop sign they see in their neighborhood everyday.

Sorting alphabhet magnets might seem just like a math activity, but i’s surely much more than that! On the other hand, it’s an amazzing, hands on way to teach children about letters. When a child is asked to sort magnetic letters, it forces them to attend to the similarities and differences within the letters. This will make them take note that the ltters are not all the same. Even if they’re just focusing on the color of the letter, they will quickly learn that there are certain differences to be found.

When looking at letters they’re grouped together in the same category, the child is likely to notice how the letters are the same color but different shapes. Their mind become used to assessing and comparing what the magnetic letters look like. This is a precursor for learning the individual letters and their distinct characteristics.

When children sort magnetic letters, their descriptive language improve. Their teacher is giving them the language with which to describe letters. Having the language to express teh ways the letters are similar brings a new perspective to the process. It allows them a way to verbalize the observations they’re making while sorting.

Do remember that soring letters can be done individually, in small groups, and as an entire class. Children can sort on their own or with an adult there to help. Asking questions and making comments ass the children complete this task can help providing them with language. It also helps their attention to the individual letters. For instance, you might make simple comments like, “I notice that the uppercase ‘B’ has two holes, but the lowercase ‘b’ only have one.”

If you’re looking for the best set of magnetic letters, we sincerely recommend you to get the one from Joy Abc’s. It comes in a complete set of letters and numbers, made of safe materials for kids, and strong magnets so you can form some words on the fridge.

For more information, you can go to https://www.amazon.com/Refrigerator-Interactive-Educational-Vocabulary-Creativity/dp/B01IN0QOEE/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&qid=1492038926&sr=8-21&keywords=magnetic+letters&linkCode=ll1&tag=fuada-20

http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=refrigerator letters